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Meghan Huras

Senior Manager, Communications

Corus Orthodontists

Job Description

I help our leaders communicate and send messages out to their employees. Whether that's arranging a virtual town hall, drafting emails, writing posts for social media, writing newsletters, or using our channels to inform employees about the latest updates about COVID-19.

Relevant School Subjects

  • Business
  • English
  • Technological Education

Areas of Expertise

  • IT/Computers
  • PR/Communications

Career Story

After high school, I received a BA in Communications from Brock University followed by a Graduate Certificate in PR from Mohawk College. I got my first job at the Institute for Quantum Computing where I was in charge of communications and public relations. IQC allowed me to work abroad while traveling through Australia, New Zealand, and Thailand for 4 months. When I got back, I was hosting a tour group through the IQC labs when the CTO of OpenText asked if I would be interested in working for them. The next thing I knew, I was sent a job posting at OpenText and was encouraged to apply. I got the job and was in HR for a year where I launched the first internal online training program. I then moved to IT where I built up their departmental communications program. After 2 years, I transitioned to Engineering where I managed departmental and executive communications. Then I landed in Marketing where I focused on launching employee programs (ex. our first-ever Women in Technology program, our annual kick-off, Canada Day celebrations, etc.) When COVID hit, I was asked to help manage our COVID response team where I helped determine our strategy to inform our Executive Leadership Team the status of the pandemic and how our employees were being affected on a weekly basis, as well as the communications strategy to keep our employees informed (during the closure of half of our offices, and instructions on how to return to the office).

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